Thursday 29 January 2009

~ 'bees' day

~ i say what?? lent term is most extravaganva tired than previous...why?? may be bcoz i have less than for myself* i think* but more time to study...anyway, its a good one actually....

new thinkerzz:
a) can i lose weight??? plz!

b) fasting is a good way, besides who dont wanna do it in winter..less day, more nite

c) behave myself!!!! u noe wat, i just reliesed that i'm more gangster than the wat! but its true and i need to change less manner

d) finish my work!!! ensure that i answer all of it...except if i really have no idea~ hehehe

e) saving~ duh...i want to go home n buy so many stuff for people...

f) do the above!

is this my new year thinking...may be!! i just cant wait nest month for my 'penat' week but at least boleh lepaskn windu....ciao!

Sunday 11 January 2009

~ kembali....

Happy new year!! lame gak la aku xtulis blog ni kan
ntah la, may be pasal aku cuti kot..hehehe
biasa la, holiday mode is OPENzz...

citer bout holiday ni, esok aku dah start kelas balit n the bad thing is i got my writing examination for physics this wednesday and the worst is i havent completely study anythg for the test...arghhh!!!!! tensionnyer....

last holiday, aku just g LONDON n MANCHESTER (twice)..5 days in London, where i spent 2 days jalan2 kat london city whilst the remaining day i've joined this FUIYO! ( Fun With ILUVISLAM Youth Oversea) programme...honestly, masa program ni aku sleepy giler since i penat after jalan2 n not having enough rest la...but it still fun. WHY??? kalau korg nk tahu, aku ni jenis yg xsuka LDK coz i really dunno how to think to give my opinion....~ not a really good team member, i think~ BUT for this programme, for the 1st tym i thought it was fun n energetic..may be because its just some discussion, n lately aku memang suka sgk talking...hehe
overall, i enjoy it.pic down here is my LDK group members including the fasilitator.
p/s: i look totally PHAT in this pic...but who real world i much PHATTER than this.

pas balik tu, i havent go anywhere...except manchester. i went to join aneesah group since their coming to manc n it just took me an hour to go there using, i decide that i go. xde la g mane2 sgt since joining the old trafford tour took an hour, and the day here is just short n 4 pm dah maghrib....the best thing i bought that day is
++ 1.5 kg of chicken leg just for 2.85 pounds...haha, murah la tu from my place , i.e we having trouble to find halal chicken at this price in campus....
++ nuggets...yg halal, but this is not chicken, its turkey i think
++ hot n spicy beef sausages..the big size. 1.50 pound
~ i just bought food stock here for that day

wat else~ ohya, after coming back to lancaster, i really2 need to shopping since i didnt go during the boxing day. and somehow, elaunku yg ditunggu dah masuk.but need to jimat since i got plan next month.
MY FIRST SHOP: NEW LOOK...i dunno why i always when here.may b coz not so much shop in lancaster kot or i can find my size, i found a nice coat for 25 pounds only, save 20 pound from its exact price...and baju..
NEXT:==> i also bought a handbag,it was only 12.50 pound after 50% discount...and a pair of boots.
!the real objective is to buy food but =( FAILED. i just bought some in HOME BARGAINS and othe thgs in BODYCARE.!

~i still love shopping~

then last wednesday, i went to the town with soraya. at first just nk g sainsbury, but soraya ajak g shopping. at the end, i bought one river island dress and cermin mata hitam, plus at bays, i bought one nice cool black heart shape necklace.


++ someone is going to visit me this february and i really2 love that person. that person is coming from malaysia, and will spent the time with me for a week....waa!!*happy*

i'm really cant wait for the person to come here...miss so muc...++

anyway, miss home so muc. doakan that i able to come back this summer...n guys wait for me this year eid.chow~

Sunday 7 December 2008

Birthday Party??

Salam. happy eid adha to all u guys yang sanggup singgah kat my page....hehehe, i noe xde la ramai sangat kan

~ on the 6th dec, saturday, we're having a dinner in verdes resaurant to celebrate my upcoming 20th besday(11th dec) and also most important luqman's 19th birthday (3rd dec)....this is the first tym after a very long tyme i celebrate mine with frends..hehe, kesian....

~ so, we're having dinner in one of this italian restaurant at town....not so far from bella italia..thx to nadia n soraya for this lovely dinner

~ but the weird thg bout this party is the birthday boy x datang at his own party....giler tu!!!!
kita orang pyer la risau bout him coz we've try to call him since at 8.5o am like that, masa tu kita org ngah dlm bus nk g town....n then we met syazwan but not luq..where is he????

~ everyone try to call him...try n try but the only one who answer it is his gf ++operater daaa...++ until we're having dinner pun masih try to contact him but still the same way....dia dah pun dikhabarkan bout this n bukan dia xtahu every weekends mesti akan ada one day that all of this 1st year akan hang out together...aiyak luq

~ but the party still hadiah from the gurls n boys...nk tahu apa?? hehe, i'm not really good in taking pic but still learning

boys: 2 helai selendang yang really nice....good taste! hahaha.... and a very good choice of hadiah la, especially from guy..

gurls: eau detoilllete, i hentam je ni..hahaha ++perfume++ and a set of coin bag, watch and key charm...if i'm not mistake coz this stuff still in the box...but the best part is the watch....memang cun giler la with my hand yg besar, nsb baik...sbb i always got problem when buying the perfume thg is my fav. thxxx nad n soraya!!

~ choc cake is yummy, n thx again to this gurls...but quite unhappy coz luq doesnt come coz we suppose to celebrate his belated burfday too...

~ lancaster tradition: I HAVE TO SING MY OWN BURFDAY SONG!!!! huhuhu...ada gak mcm tu...but its ok

++ for whole nite i'm really happy and sangat menghargai with everythg yg dorang buat for me...hehe, tym tu i really sad n miss my family and z, but can be reduce dengan adanya mereka...thx a lot! u guys are rock!! ++

^^ welcome to 20th world and bubye to 19th memory...hope there will be alot of adventure for me and perhaps can change my attitude plus appearance to be more matured...muahx!!

Monday 1 December 2008

~ Luahan Hati ~

p/s: maaf kalau ada yang xsuka dengan benda yang aku tulis

~ hari ni aku rasa sangat sedih...aku tak tahu, hampir setahun dah aku menaruh perasaan pada dirinya, tapi boleh dikatakan sampai sekarang aku xleh nk buang perasaan ni even aku dah cuba sebab aku tahu aku xkan dapat menjadi sebahagian dari hidup nya..

~ sekarang ni aku mengaku hati aku ni terasa sedikit amarah cemburu pada dirinya..tapi aku tahu aku perlu mengawal rasa cemburu ini. biarpun dia akan sering tekankan perkataan KAWAN sekiranya keluar dengan seseorang, masih terselit di hati aku tekanan akibat cemburu.aku teringin bersama nya sebab bagi aku,aku sentiasa gembira bila di sisinya kerana hanya dia mampu membuat aku menangis tapi tersenyum kembali biarpun hanya sedikit pujukan yang diberi.demi tuhan, aku rasa bersalah sangat mencintai teman baikku sebegini kerana aku tahu aku tidak sepatut nya sebegini.~ya Allah, kau kuatkan hatiku demi mencapai cintamu ya Allah...sesungguhnya aku amat menghargai persahabatan antara aku dan dia~

~ kenapa aku cemburu? sebentar tadi dia memberitahu aku yang malam ni dia tido di rumah kawannya. ada sesuatu yang membuat hati ini perit rasa.aku cemburu dengan rakan2 nya yang mampu bersamanya setiap masa, sedangkan aku cuma berhubung melalui gelombang2 yang xmampu nak menghidupkan dan mewarnai perasaan yang ada.setiap kali bertemu dengannya, aku mengaku aku tak ingin dan tak sanggup berpisah.aku redha dengan keadaan ini kerana dia lah teman baikku yang paling kusayangi.

~ ku ingin diriku untuk jadi sempurna buat dirinya tapi banyak benda yang berbeza antara aku dan dia.aku cuma mapu doakan kegembiraannya kerana bila dia gembira, aku gembira cuma aku masih xmampu nak bayangkan bila dia mungkin bersama seorang perempuan lain selain dari aku.aku masih xdapat nak bayangkan macam mana keadaan aku bila suatu hari nanti dia akan berumah tangga.usianya sudah 26 tahun, aku sangat takut dengan masa yang berlalu..cuma aku harap aku dapat tabahkan hatiku dengan semua keadaan melibatkan dirinya kerana kebahagiaannya adalah kegembiraanku biarpun mungkin hati aku kecewa tapi aku tetap terima ketentuan yang maha esa.

~ buat zaqcaria mohd wasly, kau tetap menjadi teman hidupku dan tetap menjadi yang terbaik buat diriku, aku tetap sayang pada dirimu.terima kasih sahabat kerana engkau teman ketika aku berduka, ketika aku gembira..aku tahu kau akan berusaha buat aku gembira tika aku sedih barpun kau penah menyatakan bahawa kau xkan suka pada diriku.tapi aku sedar kau sangat menyanyangi diriku sebagai temanmu...hanya maut yang mampu memisahkan persahabatan kita.

aku inginkan kau bahagia
aku inginkan kau gembira
tiada yang lain yang setia
hanya persahabatan aku dan dia

Friday 28 November 2008

Newton VS Einstein

~ korang mesti penah dengar tentang mamat dua org ni kan, kira dorang ni famous as mathematician and physicist la...kalau newton, mesti org ingat pasal buah epal dia tu ++ mamat ni perasan sikit..++ pastu bout einstein lak..dia ada formula yg jd nama album si mariah carey, E=mc^2 ++yang ni aku xpasti penyanyinyer...haha++

~ wokeh, semalam aku ngah siapkan presentation aku yang sepatutnya dihantar petang ni, hehe then aku terjumpa isu menarik pasal beliau yg bernama newton ini...korang semua mesti ingat dia bijak sangat2 kan sbb temui fakta berkenaan korang xtahu ke, sbenarnya ada somethg yang buat newton sedih sangat...++pasal ni kot dia dok jatuh sakit++

newton dikatakan xdapat nk jelaskan tentang graviti dan force that exerted by the gravity, hmmm kalau korang berminat nak tahu pasal beliau2 ni, sila lah tgk video ni...ak sekadar kongsi ilmu yang menarik yang aku dapat masa aku ngah rajin semalam

~ citer pasal semalam, xde pe yang menarik pun..macam biasa aku akan tido lepas maghrib atau isyak, lgpun minggu ni ak penat la...pastu bila bgn, aku 'selesa'kan diri ak dulu..hehe malam tu aku cuma bersemangat nak siapkan kerja ni...letih gak sbb tajuk ni universal sangat ++tajuk presentation aku the newton's law of universal,universal sgt lak tajuk ni++

~yang buat aku risau ni, aku ada 5 minute jer nk present every single thing,but i got 10 slides, tu xtermasuk lagi bila ak kena speaking london lak...ops, lancashire la..haha sini accent dia mcm pelik sikit..ape2 pun, korang doakan la aku berjaya meng'gempak'kan mat salleh2 dlm kelas aku and dapat good marks for it..++i'm the only asian, malaysian, muslim and wearing tudung in the class++

pe2 pun...silalah bantu sahabatmu...doakan ya! amin...

Wednesday 26 November 2008

sekadar hiasan~

dua malam dah ak tido after isyak..nasib baik isyak pukul 5.56 petang..jadi aku punya kesempatan untuk lena buat sementara waktu...hehe

hari ini berlalu dengan penuh kesibukan berbanding hari2 lain...aku mula kelas dari pukul 9 am until 5 pm..straight jer besides break at 1 pm till 2 pm before i start my lecture back..but i skip the second session of the talk sbb dah maghrib dah n ak penat sangat...

tangan kanan mula menunjukkan keperitan, sukar untukku bekerja sekiranya tangan ini bermasalah..bagiku, aku menjadi kurang sempurna tanpa tangan kanan ku yang banyak berjasa..terasa kepenatannya dan sukar untuk ku untuk mengangkat barang sekiranya tangan mula sakit...
lol...aku kurang pandai bermadah dan menyusun ayat..hairan,mcm ner lah aku leh lulus karangan sedangkan aku punya masalh dengan bahasa aku tetap bangga jadi malysian tau, cuma aku ni kureng sikit bab2 bahasa pun aku termistake tym bercakap dgn becca, gurl next door...

aku mula faham kenapa becca faham tntg agama aku, di samping ambik law...budak tu gak ambik religious studies..alhamdulillah, dia pun kenal agam lain selain agam dia...++ ni aku dpt tahu bila tgk buku hak milik becca sanders tym kt living room semlm ++ but she's cool babe..dia la minah mat salleh yg baik giler ngan aku... n she's the one in red++

ni masuk hari ketiga aku sakit tekak...perit gak rasenyer...n then,this mowning aku mula risau tntg diri aku...sbb masa aku bersin yg kuar tu bkn yg sepatutnya, tp kebanyakkannyer darah...bloody..aku harap aku sihat! i really wish that...

just now ak baru jer dpt pic2 masa ktaorg main monopoly weekend lepas..hehe, nk post tp ak ada masalah sikit ngan blog ni..ntah ler nper..n mlm ni ak ngah cari info untuk ak buat presentation...i decide to do newton's law of gravitation but i just wish i could find some more easy topics la coz i'm sick with all this presentation thingie ++ lake of confident++

just doakan ler eh that i get this done in a good way n get good marks for the presentations next week..i need to pass this module (communication skill) n hope i get my voice back before the day...

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Love and Marriage

Love is holding hands in the street.
Marriage is holding arguments in the street.

Love is dinner for 2 in your favorite restaurant.
Marriage is a take home packet.

Love is cuddling on a sofa.
Marriage is one of them sleeping on a sofa.

Love is talking about having children.
Marriage is talking about getting away from children.

Love is going to bed early.
Marriage is going to sleep early.

Love is a romantic drive.
Marriage is arrive on tops curvy tarmac .

Love is losing your appetite.
Marriage is losing your figure.

Love is sweet nothing in the ear.
Marriage is sweet nothing in the bank.

Tv has no place in love.
Marriage is a fight for remote control.

Love is 1 drink and 2 straws.
Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!".

Conclusion: "Love is blind, Marriage is an eye opener!"

Bride & Groom Love Forever